Welcome to Wednesdays Haul (What’s New Wednesday). I placed an order with Print Pression during their “going out of business” sale and in this video I share what I ordered vs. what I got. I also share some other planner […]
Wednesday’s Haul: A Collective Haul from Family Dollar, Hobby Lobby, Joann, Michael’s & more
This Wednesday’s Haul is a collective of the items I’ve purchased for planner supplies, craft supplies and storage options for both over the past few weeks (since my last haul vide0). If you have been keeping up with my previous hauls, […]
Collective Haul Orders & Happy Mail Week Ending July 16, 2016
Instead of doing hauls as they happen, I decided to do collective hauls each week, unless I come across something exciting that I need to share right away. Most of my hauls will be planner or planner supply related as […]