Let’s go back to the beginning and back plan with me in my composition notebook. I’m setting up January, February and March March in my budget friendly altered composition notebook. Composition books are an inexpensive option for journaling, planning or […]
How I Plan With No Plan… An Intuitive B6 Stalogy Plan With Me
Trying to shake the planner blues, join me to see how I decorate my planner when I have no plan for an impromptu intuitive plan with me in my Ever Day Planner which is a B6 Stalogy 365 Notebook in […]
How To Add Dashboards To Your Planners | A CraftLab Hangout
Hangeout in the CraftLab with me, while I share how to add printable dashboards to your planners. Plan With Me Channel @scrapcraftasticpwmArchive Channel @RachelleDesignsJunk Journals and Handmade Journals @journallifesjourney TOOLS & SUPPLIESMost of the Craft Supplies and Tools that I […]